This script allows you to easily select and rename your pflow and spacewarps elements. Very handy if you have multiple particles simulation or complex events list. Comments, suggestions, and bug reports will be extremely appreciated.

– Run the script MaxScript -> Run Script…
– Go to Customize -> Custom User Interface
– It can be found in “Silver3D”.
– Add it to a button or menu.
– Enjoy!

/*UPDATE! Version .05*/

NEW in .05
– Color picker for display Ops
– Add support for TP and standard Particle System
– Bug fix..


Questo script permette di selezionare e rinominare velocemente gli elemnti del Particle Flow e i vari spacewarps, in modo da rendere più semplice la gestione di scene con molti effetti particellari.

– Lanciate lo script da MaxScript -> Run Script…
– Andare in Customize -> Custom User Interface
– Lo script si trova nella categoria “Silver3D”.
– Aggiungetelo alla UI come bottone o menu.
– Enjoy!

/*UPDATE! Version .05*/

NEW in .05
– Color picker per l’operatore display
– Aggiunto supporto per TP e Particle System standard
– Bug fix..


“PFlow Lists Tools.ms”

macroScript PFlow_Tools 
tooltip:"PFlow Tools"
buttonText:"PFlow Tools"  

	/* PFlow Lists Tools rename*/
	/*List of all events and operator in in pflow*/
	/*List of all force in scene*/ 
	--Written by Federico Nobili 
	/*NEW in .05
	- Color picker for display Ops
	-Add support for TP and standard Particle System
	-Bug fix..
(--start script	
	global Pass_Ops_name
	global PFlow_tools_05 
	global Events_Array = #()
	global SpacewarpObject_Array = #()
	global Birth_Array = #()
	global DeleteParticles_Array = #()
	global Group_Array = #()
	global Transform_Array = #()	
	global Speed_Array = #()
	global Shape_Array = #()
	global Material_Array = #()	
	global Other_Array = #()
	global Test_Array = #()
	global DisaplyArray = #()
	global CacheArray = #()
	global MassFXArray = #()
	global PF_StuffArray = #()
	global PF_PSystemArray = #()
	global PF_ThinkingArray = #()
	global Total_Array = #() -- Array of Array of ALL Pflow operator
	global The_DisplayArray =#() --Array of Array selected from Total_Array
	global The_DisplayArray_List = #() --Array of The_DisplayArray name, items in The_PflowOps_list items array
	global txt
	global Selection_Value
	global itm
	global DDL
	global new_col
--UI start
	try(cui.unRegisterDialogBar PFlow_tools_05)catch() 
	try(destroyDialog PFlow_tools_05 )catch()
	rollout PFlow_tools_05 "PFlow Lists Tools"	
		dropdownlist DDLbx1_list "PFlow Operators" items:#("Birth", "DeleteParticles", "Group", "Transform", "Speed", "Shape", "Material", "Other", "Test", "Events", "Display", "Cache", "MassFX", "PFlow", "Particle System", "TP" )  --height:15
		button Reloaf_PflowEl_List "Reload Events List"  height:28 width:130
		button btn_clear "Clear List" height:28 width:130
		button btn_Dispaly_ALL "Display All"height:28 width:130
		listbox The_PflowOps_list "PFlow Sub-Operators" height:15 offset: [0,10]
		Label New_Name "New Name"
		edittext Ops_Text ""offset: [0,10]
		Button btn_Toggle_Off_Ops "Toggle Off Ops" height:28 width:130 offset: [0,10]
		listbox SpacewarpObject_list "SpacewarpObject List" height:6  offset: [0,10]
		Label New_Name2 "New Name" 
		edittext SpacewarpObject_Text ""offset: [0,10]
		button Reload_SwObj_List "Reload SpcWarps-Obj"  height:28 width:130  offset: [0,10]
		Label space_ "--== Other options ==--" offset: [0,10]
		colorpicker theColor "Selection color:" color:[0,0,255] modal:false offset: [0,10]
		button Toggle_Particle_Count "Toggle Particle Count" height:28 width:130 offset: [0,10]
		button Done "Close" height:22 width:130 offset: [0,5]
		button help "Help"  width:130 height:22
		HyperLink Copycenter "       --== Silver3d.it ==--"  width:130 height:13 address:"www.silver3d.it" hovercolor:(color 98 175 22) offset: [0,10]
	fn fn_Reload_SpacewarpObject_list =
		SpacewarpObject_Array =#()
		for i in ($* as array) do 
				if superclassof i == SpacewarpObject do
						appendifunique SpacewarpObject_Array i.name
					--	Total_Array[1] = Birth_Array
			SpacewarpObject_list.items = SpacewarpObject_Array
	fn fn_Reload_Events_list =
		/*Reset Var and Array value*/
		Pass_Ops_name = undefined
		Selection_Value = undefined
		Events_Array = #()
	    Birth_Array = #()
	    DeleteParticles_Array = #()
	    Group_Array = #()
	    Transform_Array = #()	
	    Speed_Array = #()
	    Shape_Array = #()
	    Material_Array = #()	
	    Other_Array = #()
	    Test_Array = #()
	    DisaplyArray = #()
		CacheArray = #()
		MassFXArray = #()
		PF_StuffArray = #()
		PF_PSystemArray = #()
		PF_ThinkingArray = #()
		Total_Array = #()for i in ($* as array) do 
				if classof i == Birth or classof i == Birth_File  or classof i == Birth_Group or classof i == BirthGrid or classof i == Birth_Paint or classof i == Birth_Script or classof i == BirthStrean  or classof i == Birth_Texture or classof i == Initial_State do
						appendifunique Birth_Array i.name
						Total_Array[1] = Birth_Array
		for i in ($* as array) do 
				if classof i == DeleteParticles do
						appendifunique DeleteParticles_Array i.name
						Total_Array[2] = DeleteParticles_Array
		for i in ($* as array) do 
				if classof i == Group_Select or classof i == Group_Operator do
						appendifunique Group_Array i.name
						Total_Array[3] = Group_Array
		for i in ($* as array) do 
				if classof i == Position_Icon or classof i == Position_Object  or classof i == Placement_Paint or classof i == rotation or classof i == scaleParticles or classof i == Spin do
						appendifunique Transform_Array i.name
						Total_Array[4] = Transform_Array
		for i in ($* as array) do 
				if classof i == Keep_Apart or classof i == speed  or classof i == Speed_By_Surface or classof i == SpeedByIcon or classof i == Stop or classof i == Stop_Gradually do
						appendifunique Speed_Array i.name
						Total_Array[5] = Speed_Array
		for i in ($* as array) do 
				if classof i == shapeStandard or classof i == Shape_Facing  or classof i == Shape_Instance or classof i == Shape_Mark or classof i == ShapeLibrary do
						appendifunique Shape_Array i.name
						Total_Array[6] = Shape_Array
		for i in ($* as array) do 
				if classof i == mapping or classof i == Mapping_Object  or classof i == Material_Dynamic or classof i == Material_Frequency or classof i == Material_Static do
						appendifunique Material_Array i.name
						Total_Array[7] = Material_Array
		for i in ($* as array) do 
				if classof i == Camera_Culling or classof i == Camera_IMBlur or classof i == Data_Operator or classof i == Data_Icon or classof i == Force or classof i == Script_Operator or classof i == PresetOperIcon or classof i == FumeFX_Follow or classof i == Krakatoa_Geometry_Lookup or classof i == Krakatoa_PRT_Update or classof i == RealFlowFileUpdate or classof i == FumeFX_Follow or classof i == PresetOperator do
						appendifunique Other_Array i.name
						Total_Array[8] = Other_Array
		for i in ($* as array) do 
				if classof i == Age_Test or classof i == Spawn or classof i == Test_Icon or classof i == Collision  or classof i == Krakatoa_Collision_Test  or classof i == Krakatoa_File_ID_Test  or classof i == Krakatoa_Geometry_Test  or classof i == RealFlowDeathTest or classof i == Stop_Gradually do
						appendifunique Test_Array i.name
						Total_Array[9] = Test_Array
		for i in ($* as array) do 
				if classof i == Event do
						appendifunique Events_Array i.name
						Total_Array[10] = Events_Array
		for i in ($* as array) do 
				if classof i == DisplayParticles do
						appendifunique DisaplyArray i.name
						Total_Array[11] = DisaplyArray
		for i in ($* as array) do 
				if classof i == Cache or classof i == Cache_Disk or classof i == Cache_Selective do
						appendifunique CacheArray i.name
						Total_Array[12] = CacheArray
		for i in ($* as array) do 
				if classof i == mP_Worldhelper  or classof i == mP_Shape or classof i == mP_Switch or classof i == mP_Solvent  or classof i == mP_Buoyancy or classof i == mP_Force or classof i == mP_Drag or classof i == mP_World or classof i == mP_Shape or classof i == BirthGrid or classof i == mP_Glue or classof i == mP_InterCollision or classof i == mP_Collision do
						appendifunique MassFXArray i.name
						Total_Array[13] = MassFXArray
		for i in ($* as array) do 
				if classof i == PFEngine  or classof i == RenderParticles or classof i == PF_Source or classof i == Particle_View do
						appendifunique PF_StuffArray i.name
						Total_Array[14] = PF_StuffArray
		for i in ($* as array) do 
				if classof i == PArray  or classof i == Blizzard or classof i == Snow or classof i == PCloud or classof i == Spray or classof i == SuperSpray do
						appendifunique PF_PSystemArray i.name
						Total_Array[15] = PF_PSystemArray
		for i in ($* as array) do 
				if classof i == Thinking  do
						appendifunique PF_ThinkingArray i.name
						Total_Array[16] = PF_ThinkingArray
/*Update list*/			
		The_DisplayArray_List = #()
		The_PflowOps_list.items = The_DisplayArray_List
fn fn_Display_All =
	The_DisplayArray_List =#()
	for i = 1 to Total_Array.count where Total_Array[i]!= undefined do
		for u =1 to Total_Array[i].count do	appendifunique The_DisplayArray_List Total_Array[i][u]
on PFlow_tools_05 open do
	The_PflowOps_list.items = The_DisplayArray_List

--button action
on btn_Dispaly_ALL pressed do
	The_PflowOps_list.items = The_DisplayArray_List
on btn_Toggle_Off_Ops pressed do	--Toggle Operator or events on/Off
		if Pass_Ops_name!= undefined or Pass_Ops_name != "" do
				ind = 0
				execute ("Select $" + "'" + Pass_Ops_name + "'")
				if classof $ == Thinking or classof $ == PArray  or classof $ == Blizzard or classof $ == Snow or classof $ == PCloud or classof $ == Spray or classof $ == SuperSpray or  classof $ == PFEngine  or classof $ == RenderParticles or classof $ == PF_Source or classof $ == Particle_View then
					messagebox "Can't disable that!" beep:false
					if classof $ != Event then 
						bt = $
						for i =1 to Events_Array.count do 
								execute ("Select $" + "'" + Events_Array[i] + "'")
								if ( $.hasAction bt &ind) do 
											if (($.isActionActive ind) == 1) then ($.activateAction ind 0) else ($.activateAction ind 1)
											format "Events: % Op: % Set: %\n" Events_Array[i] Pass_Ops_name ($.isActionActive ind)					
							execute ("Select $" + "'" + Pass_Ops_name + "'")
							if $.isActivated() then	$.activate false else $.activate true
							format "Events: % Set: %\n" Pass_Ops_name ($.isActivated())
on btn_clear pressed do	--Clear List
	The_DisplayArray = #()
	The_DisplayArray_List = #()
	The_PflowOps_list.items = The_DisplayArray_List
on DDLbx1_list selected DDL do --Selection of elements to display in The_PflowOps_list
		The_DisplayArray_List = #()
		if Total_Array[DDl] != undefined do
			for u = 1 to Total_Array[DDL].count do	appendifunique The_DisplayArray_List Total_Array[DDL][u]
		The_PflowOps_list.items = The_DisplayArray_List
on The_PflowOps_list selected item do	--Selected elements inThe_PflowOps_list
		Selection_Value = item
		Ops_Text.text = The_DisplayArray_List[item]
		Pass_Ops_name = Ops_Text.text 
		execute ("Select $" + "'" + The_DisplayArray_List[Selection_Value] + "'")
		theColor.color = $.color
On Ops_Text changed txt do	--New name changer fn
		Pass_Ops_name = txt	
		$.name = Pass_Ops_name	
		The_DisplayArray_List[Selection_Value] = Pass_Ops_name
		The_PflowOps_list.items = The_DisplayArray_List		
on SpacewarpObject_list selected item do	--Selected elements
		Selection_Value = item
		SpacewarpObject_Text.text = SpacewarpObject_Array[item]
		Pass_Ops_name = SpacewarpObject_Text.text
		execute ("Select $" + "'" + SpacewarpObject_Array[item] + "'")
On SpacewarpObject_Text changed txt do 		--New name changer fn<
	Pass_Ops_name = txt	
	SpacewarpObject_Array[Selection_Value] = Pass_Ops_name
	$.name = Pass_Ops_name	
	SpacewarpObject_list.items = SpacewarpObject_Array	
on Done pressed do --close rollout
		try(cui.unRegisterDialogBar PFlow_tools_05)catch() 
	(try(destroyDialog PFlow_tools_05 )catch())
on Reloaf_PflowEl_List pressed do	--Update The_PflowOps_list
on Reload_SwObj_List pressed do	--Update The_PflowOps_list
on Toggle_Particle_Count pressed do --Toggle_Particle_Count On/Off
	for i  in ($* as array) where (((i.classID)[1])== 1962490631) and (((i.classID)[2])== 515064576) do /*Get particle View*/
		print i
		if (i.Show_Particle_Count == 1) then
			(i.Show_Particle_Count = 0)
			print (i.name + " Count disable")
		) else
			(i.Show_Particle_Count = 1)
			print (i.name + " Count Enable")
on theColor changed new_col do 
		  $.wirecolor = new_col
		  $.color = new_col 

on help pressed do 
	messagebox "PFlow Lists Tools - 2014\nThe sript allows you to easly select and rename Pflow Event and operators\nAuthor: Federico Nobili\nWebsite: www.silver3d.it" beep:false title:"PFlow Lists Tools - Help"
	)--end rollout
	createdialog PFlow_tools_05 width:160  style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_border, #style_sysmenu, #style_resizing) --pos:[1200,1200]
	cui.RegisterDialogBar PFlow_tools_05 minSize:[160, 200] maxSize:[-1, 1200] style:#(#cui_dock_vert, #cui_floatable, #cui_handles)
)--end script